Friday, August 6, 2010


about him or her.

Women often get so excited about men who show interest in them, are handsome, flattering and show good manners. They “jump the gun” and begin thinking as though this is the man of their dreams. Quite often, these eager women learn that the man of their dreams ends up becoming the devil of their nightmares. Same is true with men who are attracted with women who are sexy, pleasant, very feminine and seem vulnerable. Often too late, men find that the woman isn’t all that she seemed to be in the early days of the courtship.

Some carry red flags that should warn any thinking person to pull back immediately and get away before becoming entangled in a relationship that can only bring grief and torment.

What causes some people (women especially) to plunge into an ill-advised relationship is desperation of never finding a mate. Despite the obvious warning signs, these individuals rush forward like waves of soldiers with intent on dying rather that retreating. Friends look on in horror as they pursue the relationship despite their warnings. Sooner rather than later, they watch helplessly as they crashed and perished.

Some men or women (young ones especially) do not understand that a relationship is a serious matter that can have far-reaching negative consequences. Young people look at love as very desirable when it is done right and it fails as often as it succeeds, at least.

A number of women think they can change a man. They become overly excited over their new-found love that the heady feelings it generates cause them to overestimate their capabilities and to distort reality in order to fit it into their dreams. In the end, they find themselves trapped in an undesirable or worse relationship regretting the day they met the man they fell in love with.

Sad to say, many of these warning signs are clearly visible to anyone who cares to see. But the problem is that when the love bug bites, it causes temporary blindness that often spells disaster. If only people could spot these red flags and have the discipline to step back before love-blindness sets in, they would spare themselves a lot of pain and trouble.

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